A Song for New Orleans

Posted on: March 4th, 2017 by kentcjmiller No Comments

It’s Mardi Gras season. Well, officially, last Tuesday was the actual day itself. I’m sure down in N’Awlins it’s still in full swing. Maybe? So I thought I’d share one of my favorite poems. I read this for the first time either in high school or college, but whenever it was, it stuck with me. I think I liked the drunken musicality of it. I’d just read it once and it stuck in my mind. And today I finally was able to track down the full verse again through the miracle of Google. So without further ado, here it is, folks.


by George Keithley

Oh the wine’s fine
but listen you drink too
damn much, I drink too damn

much fine wine eating
salty fish, we have to
get out of this place

I can’t whistle
you can’t kiss
eating salty fish.

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